Pink, Gold, and Silver Friends

You gotta have friends.

I really do have the best friends.   Look at all these pink friends in the 2011 Little Rock Race for the Cure; pink friends rock my world!

I’m grateful for my gold friends–eternally grateful.  I always individually refer to these gold friends as my best friend.  Sounds like a junior high girl, no? My gold friends are so special to me I call them lifers or lifetime friends.  There is nothing they could ever do to cease being a lifer to me.   They know who they are.  We can talk about anything, absolutely anything, and they are brutally honest with me, and me with them.  We also laugh like hyenas.  We can just look at each other and crack ourselves up.   Lord, I love those friends!

Now I am gathering more silver friends.  This past year I’ve become involved in more social activities and have met some amazing women who are becoming quite special to me.  I just spent a weekend with a group of silver friends at a knitting/quilting retreat.   My throat is still sore from laughing.  Pillow fight–need I say more?

I’m wondering if there is such a thing as bronze friends….

Make new friends, keep the old.  One is silver and the other gold.

Forgiveness-Still Trying

Sometimes it’s hard being the better person.

One of my blogging friends, Sue, has an amazing post re: forgiveness.  I struggle with forgiveness, really struggle.  If you’ve read my blog, you understand this is one “item” I don’t handle well.

I had a horrific boss at the local college where I worked, and last year she hurt me in ways that not only illegal, but unimaginable.  To put it bluntly, one of my favorite quotes is by John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton:  “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Great men are almost always bad men.”   Except she is NOT great.  Bad, not great.  Very, very bad.

I encourage you to check out Sue’s post.  I am going to get a copy of the book (by Dr. Frederic Luskin) she discusses and see if it can’t help me in my struggle to define “forgiveness.”  I think it just might.

Hum, it must be sad to be my former boss and realize she’s lost virtually all her friends and self-respect.  I have so much more than she will ever have.  Karma is a good thing!

Wanted: Girlfriend for Spouse-Part II

Low paying—great benefits!

Remember my post a few months ago Wanted: Girlfriend for Spouse?  A number of people have inquired how the job is so an update is in order.

I’m pleased to report it’s going better than I even thought possible.  Better Half and I had gotten into well, not really a rut, but with life, family, yard work, cancer (who could forget what a damper THAT puts on romance?!), etc., we just weren’t taking care of the two most important people: us!

We’ve made a concerted effort to go outside our comfort zones and it’s working!  Better Half, who abhors movies, has been to several (keep in mind the total number of movies we’ve been to in 16 years can be counted on one hand).   We’ve been meeting friends for dinner (another activity of which Better Half isn’t fond, which must say something about my cooking!) quite frequently, and we’ve been to a local coffee shop a couple of evenings to hear one of the most amazing voices sing.

Depending on my neck and back condition, I’ve helped chop wood and clear brush (strangely fun for Better Half), gone on long walks through the woods, helped build bonfires (it wouldn’t be a bonfire without bubbly!), gardened (you should see my lettuce and garlic!), gone on wildlife “expeditions” (no sacrifice on my part!) and made some amazing food (and fun) while cooking out in the woods.

Sunday steak in the woods smoked with freshly chopped hickory wood!

Most important, we’ve discovered the more time we spend together sharing even the most mundane (and laughing while doing it) “chores” the better and stronger our relationship grows.   Oh, can’t blog anymore, the river is “down” and Better Half just suggested trout fishing!  Wahoo!

A (little) Rant Re: Forgiveness

Forgive and Forget.  Nope.

‘Tis the season for forgiveness.  Why?  It irks me that during this time of the year one hears how one: 1)  shouldn’t hold grudges, 2) show mercy, 3) let go of resentment, blah, blah, blah.

I’m all for forgiveness.  Really, I am.  I’m a nice person—ask Better Half!  But, in order to forgive, shouldn’t the other offending person want and ask for forgiveness?  I’m just not in the habit, nor am I willing to develop the habit, of forgiving willy-nilly.  The offending person should offer an apology, acknowledgment of their misdeed(s), restitution, something, anything!  But to ask me to forgive because “it’s the right thing to do” doesn’t fly in my book.  Can’t do it.  Won’t do it.  If they don’t want to be forgiven, then what are you forgiving? At that point, forgiving is acting like what happened, did not.

Give me a reason to forgive you.  Trust me, I don’t want to hold on to grudges.  “Cowboy/Cowgirl Up” and take responsibility for your actions.  Good karma will then come your way.

‘Tis the season to ask for forgiveness.

Wanted: Girlfriend for Spouse

I’m applying for the job.

I’ve been doing some thinking:  I am married to a great man who truly is the much better half of our marriage, but I think he needs a girlfriend because I’m slacking off in the wife department.  This isn’t his idea, nor does he even know I’m accepting applications.  I just have been thinking that after 15 years of marriage, I’m may not be fully qualified for the job anymore, so I think a girlfriend could fill in the gaps.

With that in mind, my 2011 New Year’s resolution is to become his girlfriend; that is if I interview well and offer myself the job.  I’ll spare you the nitty-gritty details and job requirements (you’re welcome).  However, if I get the job I think it means I have to quit wearing t-shirts, sweats or yoga pants all the time.  I’ll need a new haircut.  And a pedicure.

I’m a little nervous about the interview portion, but I’m going to practice the questions and answers.  Wish me luck!

I wonder what it pays. . . .